The voice in your head vs the voice outside

What matters more?

In the depths of our minds, an eternal battle always goes on —a clash between the voice in our heads and the voice outside. This struggle, as old as humans themselves, shapes our thoughts, ideas, decisions, and ultimately, our very existence. In this article, we delve into the profound and emotional journey of balancing these two voices, exploring their influences, and discovering the path to inner harmony.

The voice in your head is a personal and intimate companion—an echo of your true self. It speaks in whispers that mirror the rhythm of your heartbeat, reminding you of your worthiness and unique qualities. You can push yourself to the highest highs and lowest lows with your inner compass. This gentle voice knows your hopes, dreams, fears, and doubts. It navigates the labyrinth of your thoughts, providing guidance and nudging you toward your true path.

Contrasting the inner voice, the voice outside emerges from the world around us. It manifests through people in our life, society's expectations, and prevailing norms. It often carries a mix of opinions, advice, and judgments. It can be overpowering, drowning the delicate song of our inner voice, and steering us away from our true desires. It has the ability to drown us in negativity.

Amidst the chaos of external influences, it is vital to cultivate a deep connection with the voice within. This voice is a masterpiece, holding the key to your authenticity and happiness.

While it is essential to acknowledge the wisdom of those around us, it is equally crucial to maintain the autonomy of our inner voice. Society's expectations may attempt to shape us, imposing definitions of success and happiness. However, embracing our authenticity requires courage—the courage to stand firm in our beliefs, challenge norms, and follow our own dreams.

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Finding a balance between the voice in your head and the voice outside is the key to inner harmony. It is an ongoing journey that requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and the willingness to embrace vulnerability. By silencing the noise, we create a space where both voices can coexist and contribute to our growth and well-being.

To strengthen the voice within, practice self-care, self-expression, and self-discovery. Engage in activities that ignite your passion and bring you joy. Cultivate mindfulness and introspection to listen to the subtle whispers of your inner voice, honoring its guidance.

That's it! I can't wait to hear what you think. Reply to this mail or tweet me at me @mounika_2000.

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😊 Have a great week -
